
Vomit of the Mouth

Sometimes, I am too honest. Actually, most of the time I am. I truly am an open book. I do not remember the last time I actually felt embarrassed to share a personal story. I am humbly imperfect. Growing up, I was sure I wanted to be a Therapist or Psychologist. I have always loved talking with people about their life and trying to help them whether that be an open ear, some advice or sharing my own experience. I was actually the one all of my close friends came to. *Cue the start of my unhealthy relationship with empathy*.  I believe we are brought into this world around others for a reason. To help each other.  When we form relationships with others we may gain a connection. Conversing with others and sharing stories, experiences and possibly advice can help each other. We learn, in my opinion, between three different ways.  Resources: Educating ourselves or being taught.  First-hand experience. Going through a situation and soaking up the knowledge due to that....

Still Learning

 I like to wish that I am a good mother all of the time. I wish I was able to hold my composure and act in a healthy manner 24/7, but unfortunately I do not.  I mess up. I get upset. I get frustrated. I become sad, angry and anxiety-ridden. I even sometimes yell.  I hate that.  I truly hate when I get mad and yell. It's something that I have been continuously trying to relearn. I grew up in a household where my mother was a single mother. My father... well, one day- no not one day, on my brother's Birthday, he was given money by my mother to grab my brother a Birthday gift. He left and never came back. I was 7 at this time. It wouldn't be until 13 years later that I saw his face again and 23 years later until I decided I was ready for a relationship with him. That's another story. My mother raised all 4 of us on her own. Worked two jobs and attended Cape Cod Community College all at the same time. I cannot even fathom going through what she did. She was tired, stress...

I Don't Have to Like You

  I believe one of the most important lessons I have learned in life is that we are forever changing. We are constantly changing within ourselves as well as others are around us. They may be a family member, a friend, a member of the school board, the President or a Tik Tok creator. And while change is inevitable as well as apparent, I don't think everyone looks at it in the same way that I do.  You see, when I was my daughter's age I was taught to be kind. I was taught to speak and play with others in a positive, kind way. I was told to be nice to my classmates, to not leave anyone out and to share. As an adult I follow the same principals but they are not engraved in stone as they were at my younger age. Instead, these morals are in clay- with the ability to mold, revise and morph to the specific situation because frankly I do not owe everyone my kindness. I do not owe everyone my ability to be kind. I am not required to share, nor am I required to make sure everyone isn'...

Office Space is The New "Cool" Space

  This past week in class we were directed to read the first chapter of our textbook. It spoke about the types of offices one may be employed within. In this day in age we all have seen in one way or another the impact of Covid-19 and how it has changed the workplace. Some companies have continued to embrace these changes as they have found it may save the company money, some employees were happier to work from home or have the option to do so. When employees feel valued or happy in their position, they tend to have a higher output of work. It's a win-win all around.  Personally, I much prefer an office setting with the option of being hybrid. Currently I am employed by a Software Development company that owns a Coworking company. My position can best be described as a Jack of All Trades. My official position is a Community Coordinator, but my responsibilities stretch through many avenues of work. I have the flex option of bringing my children to work or working from home. My ...

Ferris Wheel Wonder

Barnstable County Fair  My daughter had the pleasure of experiencing the Barnstable County Fair this past summer for the first time! She had a great time enduring lots of rides as I did as well. Spinning on Hippo rides, hopping on her first junior Rollercoaster and of course riding the Ferris Wheel for the first time. She was scared, well, maybe not scared but a bit apprehensive. She is my wild child but can be cautious as well.   As we slowly crept up into the skies of East Falmouth, not buckled up, loosely in the saucer. The mother in me, and former/recovering high anxiety human I was slowly trickled back. What if she fell out? (Obviously wouldn't happen without some crazy event). Just then we looked down and I saw a flow of people all around the fairground. I told my daughter, Layla, "Look! Everyone looks so small down there!" I cringed thinking about my earlier dark thoughts as she hovered over the saucer to peer down to the crowds. "Look mama! I see Grana!"...