Office Space is The New "Cool" Space


This past week in class we were directed to read the first chapter of our textbook. It spoke about the types of offices one may be employed within. In this day in age we all have seen in one way or another the impact of Covid-19 and how it has changed the workplace. Some companies have continued to embrace these changes as they have found it may save the company money, some employees were happier to work from home or have the option to do so. When employees feel valued or happy in their position, they tend to have a higher output of work. It's a win-win all around. 

Personally, I much prefer an office setting with the option of being hybrid. Currently I am employed by a Software Development company that owns a Coworking company. My position can best be described as a Jack of All Trades. My official position is a Community Coordinator, but my responsibilities stretch through many avenues of work. I have the flex option of bringing my children to work or working from home. My youngest loves to come to my work! She enjoys hanging out in the conference room and watching TV. When the conference room is booked, we will head to our second Coworking location and she will watch TV in the kitchen. Through her perspective, the world of Coworking is amazing and filled with endless drinks and snacks! Which for members it is- it’s just more amazing through the set of a child’s eyes. My oldest, my bonus daughter, goes to school less than a five minute walk from my job. She has the ability to come to my work and focus on school work. She loves it! Drinks, snacks and a super sweet desk that can adjust to a standing desk so she doesn’t have to sit like she has been all day. 

I see my employment as an everyday responsibilities of my workload, but I’m thankful I can bring my children to work or stay home and work if need be. I truly love my job and my day to day differs. There are times I am moving furniture around to accommodate a drop-in, communicating with clients who are having issues with other clients and planning or taking notes in regards to a large state contract. In all honestly I do not prefer working from home as I feel it’s stressful because I focus on my at home responsibilities. I have laundry to do or put away. I need to organize my paperwork. My childrens' room needs attention. The list goes on and on. For some, they can work great at home but that is not me. Which is why it is imperative when applying for any position that you find one that works well for you as well as works well for the company. It's a give and take at the end of the day. The needs of the company and the employee are just as important. Which is why I find it is important that the two mesh well for each other. 


  1. Hello Jessica, I'm just speechless with blog post and group assignments you are involved in. Always well constructed and well described. Your job is absolutely awesome for having the flexibility of work location and also being able to bring the kids to work! Specially the latter part is such a huge plus for moms like us! by the way, love both the pictures! (this and your first post)

    Mama Bear

    1. I am so involved that I am replying to you well over two months later! I feel like you will get my sarcasm! I do have flexibility at work and I so appreciate it. It's definitely fulfilling and helps the day fly by! I love to be busy but I honestly have put this class on the back burner unfortunately.

  2. Wow Jessica! It looks like you found a career that is perfect for you and your family. It's awesome that it is so flexible to your day-to-day needs. Also it is pretty neat that you are able to have you kids with you, which helps cut down costs on childcare. Would you be interested in adopting me? I'd love to just hang out all day, watching tv and eating snacks!

  3. It is so inspiring that you have found a job and a position that you and your kids/family are involved in and so compassionate about. I wish I could find something similar to this to fit me and my family's needs. Hopefully one day! I am sure it took you years of experience and growth to get where you are now. Kudos to you!

    1. In all honesty before this position I was in retail management for 15 years. I started working part time for Cape Cod Healthcare as a receptionist float. (if anyone is interested, let me know-I can pass a message along.) This is my last class for my Associates in Administrative Assistant- Medical Track and I have already obtained my certificate for Medical Coding and Billing through CCCC. Working at CCH was supposed to be a stepping stone to get into Coding but one of the practice managers approached me with an offer to my current job. My biggest advice is to keep yourself open in communication with others and know the power of networking. Sometimes, especially on the Cape, it's who you know.

  4. Hey Jessica,
    That is such a cute picture of your girls! Your job seems to be a perfect fit for both you and your family. You're very lucky to have that! I totally agree with you that working from your office location versus at home works better especially when you have an office like you have. The flexibility that your job gives you is so important, even more so when you have a family.

    1. I am truly so blessed and lucky for the type of support I get in life.


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